Xocololo is a series that tells the adventures of a very creative, cheerful and extroverted girl named Xoco (チョコ pronounced “chocoh”), her little sister Yoia (ヨイア), her friends Uz (ウーズ), Zok (ゾック), Tane (タネ) , Xande (シャンデ), and other characters have in Lolo (ロロ), a small town located among green mountains. The stories tell how using creativity, education and teamwork, these children manage to find solutions to situations and problems, which often appear difficult to solve for the adults, gaining valuable lessons and knowledge while still enjoying their childhood.
Xocololo will touch on several issues that are important for children around the world, such as education, health, discrimination, bullying and child exploitation, among others. The objective is to disseminate and raise awareness about these issues in a simple and open manner, to invite the readers themselves to offer ideas to solve them and to support organizations working in these fields, including dedicating part of the profits from the various materials and Xocololo products that are commercialized.